What a great article!
Flaking is curious to me because I am quite a frequent flaker. I hope an inoffensive and understandable one, but who knows?!
My reason for flaking is being a really strong empath: it means certain situations aren’t for me (and I’m not always sensible enough to go with the “hell nawwwww” approach from the get-go!), and it also means a heavily emotional day can entail me cancelling an evening.
It’s been FASCINATING to see this 2020 increase in people flaking. I think it’s a reminder of just how much everyone’s mental health is being affected right now, with so many strong emotions tied up in everything that’s happened so far this year.
I sit on the sidelines, and I’m like, “Oh! You’re all empaths now!”
I love the idea of making someone your “unwitting accountability buddy”! Definitely going to use that one, when I’m flaking on work!
Thanks for sharing so much insight here.