I really enjoy seeing the stories of others who’ve allowed themselves to thrive during quarantine.
And it’s exactly that - we’ve allowed ourselves, made the CHOICE to do this.
Yes, quarantine has definitely assisted in giving us time, space and lack of distractions to enable those choices, but they are things we have decided to do nonetheless.
For me, quarantine has also been about learning to be present. I’ve figured that it’s also time for me to start the business I’ve been dreaming of for years, as a manifestation coach. Mindset and energy shifts have summed up my quarantine, and it makes me realise a need to teach others these skills.
Until I saw people complaining about quarantine during it, and frustrated they’d not “done anything with it” at the end of it, I hadn’t realised others didn’t share my ability to make my own fortune. It was a real wake-up call to be that the ‘skills’ I write off as innate are actually ones that others don’t have in the same way.
I’m an empath, so the pain of the pandemic has also struck me, but I’ve managed to balance it with actually getting stuff done.
Quarantine has been a time of growth, rather than stagnation.
Thank you for sharing such a thought-provoking piece. I’m excited to go and research presencing more - I hadn’t come across it in verb form before!