As a Brit, I too am drawn to the US for this reason. In the UK, a manifestation and wellness coach is unwanted, US friends however embrace me with open arms.
Also as a Brit, I feel a distinct connection to Canada - part of the Commonwealth (however little that means in this day and age), and somehow natural allies.
This article was really fascinating, as it’s quite unusual to hear from Canadians about the effects of what’s going on in the US on them. We are all living through unprecedented times, and yet we are all living so differently: either happy to throw caution to the wind (much of the US), or battening down the hatches (a good proportion of Canada by the sounds of it).
On a significantly smaller scale, we have something similar going on in the UK. The devolved governments of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have taken different steps to England throughout the pandemic. England has been somewhat ‘Trumpian’ in our approach, opening up before the other parts of the nation, despite higher infection rates.
Such strange times to be living through, and it’s sad to see that cross-border relations are at an all time low, when community is so important.
Thanks for sharing a such an insightful article.